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Holistic Pet Care Tips

July 1 2022

Holistic pet care has been growing in popularity in recent years, as more and more people begin to embrace healthier, eco-friendly lifestyles. Our pets are more than willing to join us in this! A Tarzana, CA vet discusses holistic pet care below.

Embrace The Mindset

Holistic care really encompasses mind, body and spirit, with a lot of focus on both preventative care and healing from the inside out. Take steps to eliminate stress in your furry companion’s life. That could mean playing music when you’re out, treating them to a massage, or taking extra time for playing and cuddles. 

Explore Options

Many wonderful treatments and options fall under the holistic pet care umbrella. These may include things like acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, or homeopathic medicine. Talk to your vet, and see what options may benefit your beloved pet.


Good nutrition is a key part of wellness care. Feed your four-legged friend wholesome, nourishing foods. Tip: choose products that list meat, fish, and/or poultry first and most often on the label. Avoid anything with a label that looks like a chemistry project. Ask your vet for recommendations.


Hydration is crucial at this time of year. Make sure your pet always has cool, clean water. If your tap water isn’t all that great, get a filter. This will benefit both you and your furry pal. Fido and Fluffy may also like a cool bowl of sodium-free broth, or even some frozen broth cubes.

Reduce Chemical Exposure

The amount of chemicals that we’re exposed to daily has grown exponentially in the last century. Everything from your dish soap to Fido’s toys could potentially contain toxins. Switch to eco-friendly pet products.

Stay Active

Fitness has a huge impact on your health. It’s also important for pets! Fido needs regular walks and playtime, while Fluffy can stay (semi) fit by playing and climbing her kitty furniture.

Preventative Care

Keep up with your furry buddy’s preventative care! This includes not only vaccines and parasite control, but exams as well. Ask your vet for more information.

Enjoy Zen

Some of our patients are absolute masters of the art of zen. Enjoy some downtime with your furry friend! Take a long sunset walk with Fido, or relax on your patio with Fluffy and a good book.

As your Tarzana, CA animal clinic, we’re dedicated to offering great care. Call us anytime!

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