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Why We Love Integrative Veterinary Medicine

August 1 2022

As you may know, here at Healing Touch Veterinary Wellness Center, we like to offer the best care possible. In many cases, that means combining the high-tech, cutting edge treatments of modern veterinary medicine with gentler, natural treatments. This combination is often known as integrative medicine, and, at least in our book, is really the best of both worlds. A Tarzana, CA veterinarian offers some information on integrative veterinary medicine in this article.


There are two schools of thought when it comes to veterinary care: traditional and holistic. Traditional medicine would include things such as surgery, medication, and laser therapy: all of the amazing and precise modern marvels that our present-day technology offers. Given that today’s high-tech world includes a lot of wonderful options that weren’t even available a century ago, there’s a lot to be said for the benefits of space-age medical technology.

Holistic medicine, on the other hand, favors a more natural, less invasive approach. We offer several services that fall under the holistic care umbrella. Acupuncture stimulates the body’s nervous system, prompting it to release natural endorphins. This also improves circulation, and can reduce pain and quicken healing times. Chiropractic care realigns the spinal column, clearing blockages that not only cause pain and restrict movement, but can also interfere with the body’s circulatory, hormonal, and nervous systems. Herbal therapy can offer a gentler, natural alternative to modern drugs, and can work with—or in some cases replace—traditional medicine.

A Perfect Pairing

Integrative medicine is incredibly versatile, and offers options for many different medical conditions pets may face. Some of these include allergies, orthopedic issues, neurological problems, allergies, obesity, arthritis, and gastro-intestinal issues, to name just a few. Ask your vet for more information.


Why is integrative medicine such a great option? For one thing, the treatment is quite versatile. Combining holistic care with traditional modern medicine often allows maximum benefit, while minimizing side effects and invasive procedures. The ability to customize treatment options to suit an individual pet’s needs is also wonderful. Our animal companions are all unique, and their care should be as well! It can also be used to improve and/or maintain your pet’s health and wellness. 

Do you want to learn more about holistic or integrative options? Do you think your pet may benefit? Contact us, your Tarzana, CA animal clinic, anytime. We’re here to help!

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