
Holistic Treatments For Arthritic Dogs

Do you know or suspect that your canine buddy is developing arthritis? This common affliction cannot be cured, but it can be treated. Modern veterinary medicine can help a lot, but it has a wonderful counterpart in holistic medicine. As it turns out, holistic...
Benefits Of Ozone Therapy

Benefits Of Ozone Therapy

Here at Healing Touch Veterinary Wellness Center, we are dedicated to offering cutting-edge, innovative treatments. One option we are happy to offer is ozone treatment. A local Sherman Oaks, CA vet discusses this wonderful technology below.  A Born Helper Ozone...

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5 Key Reasons To Consider Chinese Herbal Medicine

5 Key Reasons To Consider Chinese Herbal Medicine

Modern medicine has progressed in leaps and bounds in recent decades, and veterinary medicine has gone right along with it. However, there is also a lot to be said for the older, tried-and-true methods. One that we are happy to offer is Chinese herbal medicine....

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Holistic Pet Care Tips

Holistic Pet Care Tips

Holistic pet care has been growing in popularity in recent years, as more and more people begin to embrace healthier, eco-friendly lifestyles. Our pets are more than willing to join us in this! A Tarzana, CA vet discusses holistic pet care below. Embrace The Mindset...

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Chiropractic Care For Pets

Chiropractic Care For Pets

Did you know that chiropractic treatments are becoming quite popular in the world of veterinary medicine? Chiropractic care has been used to help many different types of animals, such as horses, turkeys, pigs, elephants, and even snakes. Of course, here in our neck of...

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Why We Love Integrative Veterinary Medicine

Why We Love Integrative Veterinary Medicine

As you may know, here at Healing Touch Veterinary Wellness Center, we like to offer the best care possible. In many cases, that means combining the high-tech, cutting edge treatments of modern veterinary medicine with gentler, natural treatments. This combination is...

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Holistic Pet Care Tips

Holistic Pet Care Tips

Did you know that August 30th is Holistic Pet Day? Just like people, pets can really benefit from living a natural, healthy lifestyle. Of course, holistic living looks a bit different for Fido and Fluffy than it does for us. A Tarzana, CA vet lists some things you can...

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Cute Ways To Make Your Cat Happy

Cute Ways To Make Your Cat Happy

Did you know that September is Happy Cat Month? Fluffy probably won’t react much if you tell her this, but she will appreciate some extra pampering. A Tarzana, CA vet offers some advice on getting that motor going in this article.  Toys Fluffy may be really cute...

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Pet Obesity Awareness Day

Pet Obesity Awareness Day

National Pet Obesity Awareness Day is coming up on Wednesday, October 12th. The numbers on pet obesity are very sobering. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, over half of our canine and feline companions are overweight. Or, to be specific, that is...

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Acupuncture for Pets

Acupuncture for Pets

Did you know that acupuncture can be used to help treat many medical issues in pets? This ancient practice is becoming quite popular in the world of veterinary medicine. A Tarzana, CA vet offers some information on acupuncture below. History Acupuncture originated in...

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